
We value good governance and effective structures. Success for our church is achieving the outcome God intends for us. Another word for this is mission. Because we are serious about our mission, we need the right leadership, structure, and strategy for doing our mission. There is a need to move within boundaries and align ourselves behind a clear purpose. The way we organize is not the mission of the church, but the way a church is organized will either help or hinder the mission.



This church is incorporated with the Province of Nova Scotia. These are our operating Bylaws.

Membership Regulations

Describes the requirements and obligations for membership in the church.

Governance Regulations

This document is pending until approved by the church at the next business meeting. It will be posted at such time.

Abuse Prevention Policy

We value the safety of our children and youth, and also the protection of our volunteers.

Annual Reports

Contains the reports from the pastor, deacons, committees, ministry teams, along with the financial report and budget.

2018 Annual Report

2019 Annual Report

2020 Annual Report

2021 Annual Report