We understand that it's hard to visit a new church for the first time. That is why we want you to look around our website to discover more about who we are. If you would like someone to meet you at the front door and help you get settled, just fill out the form below. We want you to feel at home. You belong here. Remember that even if it feels weird the first time you come that does not mean you are in the wrong place. Keep reading below for what to expect when you join us on Sunday.
Biblical Preaching
The Word of God must be central and authoritative in the life of the church. The foundation for the church is the Bible explained and applied. We do not want to ignore the difficult sections of the Bible, but wrestle with them instead.
Preaching is the primary method that God has chosen for much of the transformation that will occur in the life of a Christian. Knowledge of God's Word is a building block for our lives.
The Bible shows the character of God and how he is working out his plan from Creation to Redemption.The goal of a sermon is to leave one worshipping God because of what he has done for us through Jesus Christ.

Worship Through Singing
As human beings, we were created to be worshippers. As fallen human beings, we worship lesser things other than the God of the universe. True worship is lifting our souls to God and recognizing his supreme value. We refer to Sunday morning as our worship service, but that does not mean that worship begins Sunday morning, but rather that our worship continues Sunday morning in a corporate or group setting.
By worshipping together we demonstrate that Jesus is our Lord and that his reign extends into our lives. Gathering together is a testimony as to the values and priorities of our lives. It reminds us that we live not just for here and now, but for eternity. When we gather to worship we admit that we are in need of God's grace.
We do not have a band and we may not sound like professionals, but we have many who use their musical gifts and talents for God. We do a blend of old and new, as we know that God has blessed the church through the years with various styles of music. We urge you to set aside this time to be present with us so that together we can celebrate the King of the universe.
Common Questions
You’ll find everything from casual clothes to more business like dress at our church. We want you to be comfortable so just be yourself. Dress in what is comfortable for you!
Feel free to park on the side of the church or at the back of the church. The wheelchair ramp is located at the back of the church. If you are using the wheelchair ramp and the door is locked, just ring the doorbell and someone will come and let you in.
If there is not enough room around the church, then you can park across the road behind the fire department (Thanks to a great fire department for making this available).
Come in the front door and go up the stairs and turn right to go into the sanctuary and find a seat. Feel free to go to any pew and sit where you would like.
Our washrooms on the main floor are located in the multipurpose room, which is the room behind the sanctuary.
If you are joining us for the first time, we will not embarrass you, have you stand up, or ask you to give money. We know that many people want to check out the church and “be anonymous” for a while. That’s fine with us!
We know that it can be a little scary visiting somewhere for the first time, so there are greeters at the door who can answer questions that you may have.
We have a nursery for infants and young children, and a kids church during the preaching time for elementary kids up to grade 5. Check our Family page for more details.
We believe that generosity is important, but if it's your first visit, we don't want you to feel any obligation to give. You are our guest, and if you start coming regularly you will hear us teach about giving as a way to honour God and grow spiritually, but you'll never be expected to give any more than you feel you should.
On the first Sunday of the month we celebrate Lord’s Table as part of our worship service. This is not closed to members only. We encourage you to make your decision to participate based on how you answer the following questions, “Am I thankful for the salvation God has provided for me in Jesus Christ? and, “Am I committed to actively participating in a church family?” You do not have to join until you feel comfortable to do so.